Honest coments are welcome, i need to know what do you think about that kind of pictures, thanks alot.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeFujifilm
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriAkt
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  • Visninger662
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Kritikker (11)
Ferran C.

Til T.E:
I don´t know him, is he a good painter?
Nils B.

I like it, and i think you hav an eye for a good match. This is what i mean.
regards Nils
Avsluttet .

Me gustan tus fotos, pero todavia no entiendo bien como. ¿Como es la lus tan distinta en cada objeto? ¿O de que es ese modelo? ¿Que tipo de pelicula usa?
Nils G.

Nice and matching colours and harmonising lines. I miss however, the story of the picture. That nice and soft body is in direct conflict with the hard rock. Or perhaps that is the idea: Rock hard.
Eli L.

I really love this one! It's something about the hard stone, or mountain, mixed with the very soft skin and lines... Good work Man!
Ferran C.

Til Marcelo:Son dos sujetos con un cristal enmedio, Ok?, cada sujeto con una luz independiente y le doy mas o menos intensidad de luz(segun quiera resaltarlo mas o menos), tu enfocas al primer objeto con la camara y como hay un cristal enmedio se refleja la imagen del segundo objeto sobre el primero. La pelicula que uso es una convencional qualquiera 100 o mejor 200ASA.

Til N.G.: You are right, it seems a rock but it´s a metalic oxid. What i try with theese pictures is find a macht, a visual armony relation between two diferent subjects, a subrealistic fusion, and something nice and interessant to be wacthed. To me it´s really nice and challenging get the picture in my mind and work it out by conventional photographic way.
Tor H.

A really nice picture I think. I like the colours and the soft tone. I get a calm feeling when I look at it!
Ferran C.

Til E.L og N.G:
.....going out for a nice rock and let me borrow your names.....
Marcelo V.

Hola Ferran!
Otra foto con un contenido artistico.
Veo que me has contestado una pregunta que Anders hizo, ;0)
Lars-Anders M.

Her var det mye rust.
Roy S.

Nice artistic work. Well done
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