La poma d´Adam (Adam´s apple)
a forbiden fruit tale.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects.No photoshop.No laboratory manipulation.One shot.
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  • KategoriAkt
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  • Visninger388
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Kritikker (4)
Tom E. F.

Alas, Adam has done it again!
rgds Tom
Jostein M.

Nice Ferran!
Beautiful colors. The stuff that happended in the garden of Eden was heavy stuff.
Regards Jostein
Nils L.

Interesting effect, good color and texture. Like a bite out of life.
Best regards Nils
Roy S.

A different and good still-life. The apple is in my taste a bit to centered.
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