Bildet er drømmende. Det fanger optimismen i arkitekten Santiago Calatravas togstasjon som ble bygget på midten av nittitallet i forbindelsen med det 20. århundrets siste World Expo.
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I am a bit surprised that you didn't get any comment.
This is a cool capture, it looks like an alien space ship from a Sci-Fi movie. And the darkness around it is reflecting the universe. The persons silhouette is brilliant and adds a lot to the picture.
mvh Heidi
Sidney G.
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Heidi,
I love that you too, see the scifi-aspect of the shot!
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I am a bit surprised that you didn't get any comment.
This is a cool capture, it looks like an alien space ship from a Sci-Fi movie. And the darkness around it is reflecting the universe. The persons silhouette is brilliant and adds a lot to the picture.
mvh Heidi
I love that you too, see the scifi-aspect of the shot!