Referere til dette bildet andre steder på klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_331185} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Eg likar godt det visuelle uttrykket ditt, men biletet gir meg ikkje så mykje utan ein samanheng. Eg oppfattar ikkje biletet som eit portrett, men heller som eit gatefotografi eller liknande. Eg ser to japanske kvinner, tilsynelatande i hyggeleg prat i farten, men der er ingen pirrande element eller andre ting som gir biletet djupne. Eg får med andre ord ikkje tak i situasjonen eller innhaldet i biletet. Eg kjem heller ikkje i kontakt med personane i biletet slik ein kunne forvente i eit portrett, men som sagt oppfattar eg ikkje biletet som eit portrett. Er biletet ein del av ein serie? Eg trur mine motsegner vil kunne falle bort dersom eg såg biletet som ein del av eit større arbeid.
Rune Edvin H.
Dette var liksom litt glad-bilde i en kornete svarthvittvariant. Smilet hennes appelere umiddelbart.
Merethe W.
Takk skal dere ha!
Bildet er ett av flere bilder fra samme setting, men det blir ikke helt riktig å si at de er i ''serie''. Meningen er at hvert bilde skal kunne stå for seg selv:O)
Georg K.
In one way almost negative to read so much about your thoughts, views etc. in the portrait on the front-page - even though it is enjoyable to read !!
Support for your advise in the last paragraph - and I very much agree with you regarding the positive influence Frank has...
Have seen this one a few times, and did settle in a way with the comment of Eirik.
But there is one thing, which is still coming back to me - in order to phrase it I need to call it '' break & formalism ''.
Rune said very much in accordance with my experience when looking at this image that her smile is appealing - it is actually more than the smile, it is the surprise to see these two women in such an active ''Chat'' ( not proven that they are chatting, but it looks like it to me ).
The funny thing is that our preset understanding of behavior etc. is bound to a ''type''.
And this type, category - short set of expectation is linked to something almost supernatural.
Artificial beings, perfection in appearance and codes, the aura of unreachable to untouchable and so on.
And suddenly - in a split of a second, this perception is changed - which to my taste is the real , small treasure hidden in this image - something I find very enjoyable.
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Bildet er ett av flere bilder fra samme setting, men det blir ikke helt riktig å si at de er i ''serie''. Meningen er at hvert bilde skal kunne stå for seg selv:O)
Support for your advise in the last paragraph - and I very much agree with you regarding the positive influence Frank has...
Have seen this one a few times, and did settle in a way with the comment of Eirik.
But there is one thing, which is still coming back to me - in order to phrase it I need to call it '' break & formalism ''.
Rune said very much in accordance with my experience when looking at this image that her smile is appealing - it is actually more than the smile, it is the surprise to see these two women in such an active ''Chat'' ( not proven that they are chatting, but it looks like it to me ).
The funny thing is that our preset understanding of behavior etc. is bound to a ''type''.
And this type, category - short set of expectation is linked to something almost supernatural.
Artificial beings, perfection in appearance and codes, the aura of unreachable to untouchable and so on.
And suddenly - in a split of a second, this perception is changed - which to my taste is the real , small treasure hidden in this image - something I find very enjoyable.