kjære, the sun and the black emptyness.
A ray of sun light from an small hole-window, some how acting almost like a ''pin-hole'' it looks to me the sun reflected on her face....
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
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Kritikker (8)
Tom B.

Very nice indeed. Have you connsidered a closer crop ?
Roy S.

i like it like it is. This would look great as a postersize on a wall.
lars morgan k.

This doesnt appeal to me. If you got some trace of the sunlight, with the help of smoke, this would help get some dynamics into the frame. The face is to bright to my liking, toning it down would help on the atmosphere in the frame, giving it a more eerie feeling. Cropping the right side is paramount, this dramatically improves the dynamics. Consept might work fine, given some consideration and time.

vennlig hilsen
Lars Morgan
juan carlos o.

Nice picture and I agree with the TB.
Knut H.

Hi Ferran, nice expression in her face, but the ''burned out'' is far too much for me. I understand your way of using so much ''air'' around her,(''black emtyness'') but I think the composition would have been stronger if you had placed her more in ''the golden triangel''.
Nils B.

Greit forsøk, men det blir som Knut påpeker for kraftig lys dirrekte på modellen. Litt tettere. Ikke gi deg, dette fikser du helt sikkert.
mvh Nils
Jostein M.

Nice shot Ferran:-) Maybe a litle hard lkight in her face:-)
Regards Jostein
Avsluttet .

Disagree with Lars Morgan on this ''trace of sunlight'' comment; I think it would have been too ''film-noir''. I would, personally, cropped both top and bottom and adjusting the brightness far down. Just tried it, and it got beautiful! But, as a ''gritty'' picture it certainly fullfills it's role!
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