''...i´ll go''
Says the song...
''...if i´ve done something wrong, i guess i´ll go...far...hidden...never to be found...''

The third version and final one, i had following some of your suggestions, so, it´s your picture as well, i hope you like it, soon it will be hanging in some cafeteria in stavanger....
Takk til alle, and special to those ones that helped me by usefull critics.

Suggestion: listen the song at the same time that watching the picture (-;
''maybe i´ll go'' by Lene Marlin
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects, no P.S., no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
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  • Visninger1131
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Kritikker (8)
Trond Hasle A.

This is definately one of your better ones, Ferran. I like the overall mood of the shot, and there is good balance between the woman and the background landscape. BTW, there is a bright spot to the left of the woman. You might consider removing it digitally before making prints.

Cheers, Trond.
Lars G.

Very good!!!
Avsluttet .

Very good ! wonderfull song too...
Tom B.

One of your better ones, yes. The two components match very well color and texturewise. Not so symbolic, but suggestive enough Ferran.
Nils B.

Veldig bra dette. Flott lys og bra måte du har plassert modellen på. Fargene er flotte, og kompet fungerer.
mvh Nils
Roy S.

It´s so sensual it tickles (hmm)
Agree with TB that this is one of your best (so far !) ;)
I suspect you will only get better and better. The strong thing about this one is the use and placement of elements. Congrats. Ferran.
Janne Cesilie J.

Sier meg enig med NBH her!
Veldig nydelig!
monica p.

I just love your work, you have an amazing collection of pictures here.
Keep up the good work.
Mvh Monica:o)
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