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Kritikker (6)
Thomas G.

I like it a lot
Torgrim H. H.

For me living in Kosovo it gives me the same feeling as when you walk around in the ruines.
More use of contrast, would have made it better. It is gray where it should have been black
Kent G.

Very good, but i have to agree with T.H.H that some more contrast have to be added to make it even better. Maybe you could have gone nearer to the girl, i dont know. Good composition!
Tove G.

I like it. The house tells a story of destruction = the hard way of life. The girl and the nature tell the story of feelings and living = the soft and vounderable part of life. It is a picture filled with emotions.
Rune Edvin H.

Very good. I think I would have preferred a bit more structure in the wall at the left havd side.
Sigmund V.

Quite impressive. I agree with the contrast - in addition, the trees should have been removed to enhance the allready otherworldly feel of the picture. Love the light coming in from above - the girl looks a little unnaturally positioned, however.
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