L a n g e . . . . .
  • Canon Eos 500D
  • Tamron AF 70-300
  • Brennvidde100mm
  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/250s
  • Nei
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  • KategoriLandskap
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger62
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Kritikker (6)
Inger Anne Maritsdotter V.

Eg liker bruk av dof i dette bildet,
kystidyllen som vi aner konturene av i bakgrunnen, og blomstene i forgrunnen som danner en ramme rundt.

Milos K.

Hi Inger Anne,
thank you for the nice comment on my picture,
"med vennlig hilsen"
Liv F. D.

Hi Milos,
this is a lovely and summery picture from Langesund. I liked the focus on the sun flowers and how we see the contours of Langøytangen Lighthouse in the background. Nice work. I wish you a very nice summer.

Liv ")
Milos K.

Hi Liv,
thank you for nice words and I wish you lots of sun,
"med vennlig hilsen"
Arve Herman T.

I like it too. It is a great summer pictures with the flowers that makes it great and the great blur of the motive in the back is beautiful.

Thanks Milos for sharing this picture with us.

All the best from Arve
Milos K.

Hi Arve,
thank for comment, Norway is Norway :-)
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