The lighting was a nightmare, the photographer (that is, me) has not done a photoshoot for years, and the room was far to small to shoot in. So, all the credits for making this picture good go out to the model.
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Dette funker ikke for meg. Hadde du ikke blitz? Videre virker det uskarpt. Det er noe med vinklene i bildet også, som jeg ikke får helt tak på. Tror det kunne blitt mange hakk bedre med mer/bedre lys (blitz??), samt raskere lukker.
Vitaly B.
I agree, the lighting was really bad. That being said, I really dislike using blitz as I feel it gives the image a sort of unnatural look, which rarely works for me. Though thank you for the feedback, I will definately do better with arranging lights next time. (Slow shutter is a byproduct of my reluctance towards blitz usage.. :))
What's wrong with the angles though? :) Feel free to elaborate, I want to improve! :)
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What's wrong with the angles though? :) Feel free to elaborate, I want to improve! :)