ice age elfin

Det er en menneske i billede -- there is a human in the image

photographer here: Laila Pregizer
bodypainter here: Düsterwald
-> our calender "Metamorphoses 2012" is now available

photographed on location, (bodypainted in a warm room next to the waterfall - she was only a few minutes and with shoes out there)
Bildet inngår i albumet Metamorphoses - humans, integrated in different scenic landscapes by their body pose and artistic bodypainting

pure photography, no composing or photomontage

project by Laila Pregizer and Uwe Schmida (both photographers) and Jörg Düsterwald and Léonie Gené (both bodypainters)
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Exciting "monumental" woman in ice, "tiny" as she is.
Absorbed by the glacier, adding value to the glacier.
Radical change from human to frost, without becoming inhuman.
A cold picture with abundance of warmth.
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