  • Canon Eos 300v
  • Sigma 28-80mm
  • Blender-
  • Filmtypefuji sensia, 100
  • Nei
  • AnnetCrossing
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriMennesker
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger434
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Kritikker (6)
Nils B.

Liker det jeg ser, men hadde beskåret noe mer på høyre side.
mvh Nils
Georg K.

brr - hope that this is a set-up, and the spider isn't real ??

Men - utrolig bra, face, colour and composition.

I like your pictures, getting almost a bit jealous.
Is this a men thing - always thinking in competition terms ?

No, it's not competition - it's actually interesting to see so many interesting and good pictures - it is stimulating.

But you are active and have many different good ideas
( from what I can see here )

Thanks for your nice comment by the way.


Carl Martin N.

yepp, dette likes!
Gro E.

Takk for kommentarer!
Nils: Jeg har prøvd med tettere beskjæring på høyre side, men syns den grønne planken må være der....
Georg: the spider is only a tatoo, luckily!
Georg K.

So you '' made'' the shadow of the legs from the spider ?

And how have you scared the poor guy that much that he has this ''real'' expression of fear in his face ?

Still a nice shot - and actually - even if I'm not really afraid about spiders - they are also not favourites either, so - a good fake is really fair enough - plus it is for sure more fun to do the picture.


Øistein T.

bra bruk av fargetoner og kontrast! liker linjene i bildet og hvordan blikket til modellen følger disse. Den grønne planken i høyre bildekant er helt sentral.

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