  • Minolta 9xi
  • 200 mm
  • Brennvidde200mm
  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeFuji Velvia
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriMennesker
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger395
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Kritikker (3)
Avsluttet .

Sinnsykt kult bilde! Bra uttrykk på modell og glimt i øyet. Utsnitt og alt i det hele tatt er kjempebra!

Mvh Eva-Linn
Odd Georg S.

Nok et blinkskudd fra globetrotteren :-) fin komposisjon med fin skjæring og ikke minst, tatt i rette øyeblikket...
Muuulig at kontrasten kunne vært liiitt hardere (det sorte), men det kan være min skjerm...
Georg K.

Just a few thoughts

Motif is ok ( sounds a bit tired - but means - I think it's a good idea, a right thing to do when thinking about picturing people you see, watch got to know when travelling )
But to my mind there is something a bit unclear.
The point that the guy is working in a port is not getting clear from the photo - it is too close for transporting such information, so to me it is more a kind of portrait - which should get it's spirit only from the pictured face, and maybe as additional information a kind of name or profession.
But when trying to picture a port worker - it should have been wider in order to incl. more information.
The other pint was mentioned - I also think a bit more '' hard '' contrast would be good, even though he has a big smile it's a working portrait, a could stand a bit less soft appearance.

But these are just a few thoughts - still it is an attractive photo.
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